News, appointments and curiosities
News & Events
  • 14 Ottobre 2024 SIAL PARIS 2024

    Next Tuesday 22 October we will be visiting SIAL PARIS, an important event where we will be able to meet a lot of companies to whom presen...

  • 04 Ottobre 2024 Harvest 2024

    The fresh products of the new 2024 vintage are available: 

    • White, red and rossissimo concentrate
    • White, red and rossis...

  • 31 Luglio 2024 Summer Closure

    We will be closed for summer holidays from August, 3 to 18.

    Happy Holidays!  

  • 10 Giugno 2024 New website

    Our new website in now online! Discover the new, completely revamped pages to get to know the world of Vinicola San Nazaro

  • 09 Maggio 2024 Cibus 2024

    On 7 May, the VSN team visited Cibus trade fair in Parma. It was an important opportunity to introduce our activity to the many wine and vine...

  • 09 Marzo 2024 Prowein 2024

    Vinicola San Nazaro will be present at the 30° edition of Prowein fair in Dusseldorf. It will be an important opportunity to see many custom...